Angela & Ben
I had a fabulous time at Angela & Ben’s wedding. They are both wonderful people, incredibly fun-loving and really relaxed. The day was a breeze from start to finish, and we had a lot of fun with the bridal party after the wedding. It was also my first wedding in Port Elliot – no wonder so many people get married there, it’s just beautiful!
Angela and Ben were married at the Soldier Memorial Gardens, and held their reception at McCracken Country Club. It was a long drive but so worth the experience! Angela looked exquisite in her ethereal gown, and the boys scrubbed up pretty nicely in their charcoal suits and custom cufflinks, which Ben put so much thought into.
Thank you so much for having me, Angela and Ben, and I wish you nothing but happiness for your future together! It’s going to be a beautiful one!
Great photos guys! Awesome day too, we should do it again sometime